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Pathology Testing Specialities offered through Perfectly Natural
- Nutripath Pathology
- Clinical Laboratories
Fact Sheets
Adrenal Fatigue
Download our fact sheetAdrenal fatigue is a modern condition that is usually associated with high stress levels, and it is often characterised by the adrenals not functioning properly.
Download our fact sheetMany people today are faced with ongoing gastrointestinal issues; changing bowel actions varying from constipation to diarrhoea, wind, rumbling, or having irregular consistency with bowel actions.
Syndrome X or Hyper-Insulinemia
Download our fact sheetIn the last 20 years there has begun a new wave of theory and interest, a new understanding, new science and a review of old practices focused for the first time of the effects of food on the human body.
Please be aware that this is simply generic information and should not be taken as a personal prescription, diagnosis or advice for your particular ailment. If you require an in-depth assessment into your personal needs please be sure to contact our Practice Manager, Maureen to schedule an appointment with one of our accredited practitioners and type in the day and time that best suits you, and we will get back in contact with you to confirm a date ASAP.